Scheduling in Celtx

In the past 12 or so hours a few things have, understandably so, kept me from sleeping. For starters last night I had to take part in emergency evac training at work where we were put in a “situation” that we may or may not have to deal with on a daily basis. Unfortunately for…

First Vidcast – The Joys of Scheduling

At long last, we finally got around to putting together our very first video blog! We have to be honest – the camera work is pretty awful, as is the audio, and we did notice those little lines at the start of the video… however! The important thing is that we got it out there…

Scheduling OR why my brain hurts…

I had two maths teachers when I was at high school. One was frighteningly similar to a certain Hannibal Lectar and used to hang a mirror on the black/white board so he could see people screwing around behind him and the other was a borderline alcoholic who once drew us a diagram on how to…