I’m a really big fan of this movie. Set in Coober Pedy, a young girl called Kellyanne, spends all her time playing with her two make-believe friends Pobby and Dingan. She is completely adamant that these two people exist, which is driving her mother, father and older brother completely crazy. When Kellyanne’s Dad takes her two imaginary friends mining with him one night, he forgets to bring them home, which completely devastates the young girl. Kellyanne starts getting really sick, presumably due to the emotional stress caused by no longer having her two friends by her side. The family have no option but to search for the unseeable people, which indirectly, turns the whole town against them. But, all thanks to a brother’s love and devotion, things turn dramatically at the end, after a serious of very gripping circumstances. I felt that the acting in this film was really fantastic, especially as the two central characters were children. Although it was a very typical Australian film, I felt that the storyline was really strong, and it had a lot of unpredictable twists and turns. Visually, the film was stunning, with some great shots of a very mundane, yet matchless location. The soundtrack was perfect, and the musical score was really good. But the story is what made the film stand out from a crowd of other Aussie films. It had a really innocent feel to it. It was full of action and suspense; it made you laugh, and it was also very sad and moving at times. Overall, I was really impressed with this film. I know some people have complained that the young girl’s acting was poor, and she looked way to sick at the end of the film, but I doubt these people have had experience with unorthodox young children. I felt this film was very real.